Industry 4.0: centralized and secure management of IT and OT infrastructures

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Industry 4.0 represents a new era of industrial automation, where machines, sensors and production management systems are interconnected in real time via the Internet of Things (IoT). In this context, smart factories must manage an increasing amount of data and critical equipment. For maintaining their competitiveness, businesses must not only optimize productivity, but also secure their IT and OT infrastructures. ALEMCA is presented as a key solution for centralize the management of connected equipment, ensure secure data transmission, strengthen the security of critical infrastructures and ensure secure remote access, while integrating perfectly with existing management and supervision systems.

Complementarity with industrial management systems

Manufacturing companies, particularly in Industry 4.0, are already using Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and supervision platforms to optimize their manufacturing processes. ALEMCA complements these systems by taking care of the IT and OT network infrastructure management, including networks, connectivity, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and sensors. This allows production managers to focus on optimizing production lines, while ALEMCA insures the stability and security of network and communication infrastructures.

For example, in a factory equipped with a system of industrial boiler, ALEMCA makes it possible to collect and report information relating to heat production, the general operation of the boiler as well as energy consumption in real time to a supervision tool. Thanks to this centralized supervision, technical teams can remotely adjust boiler parameters to optimize its energy efficiency or react immediately in the event of a malfunction. ALEMCA thus ensures that the connectivity of the temperature sensors and the PLCs controlling the boiler is robust and secure, guaranteeing continuous and efficient production.

Proactive supervision and automation of critical infrastructures

Modern industrial plants are equipped with sensors, PLCs, and IoT devices that continuously collect and transmit data to optimize production. Thanks to ALEMCA, operators can supervise network infrastructures, IT equipment and PLCs in real time, and intervene remotely in the event of an anomaly.

Let's also take the example of a special machine manufactured by a company outside the factory. The manufacturer of this machine must be in a position to ensure its proper functioning remotely to ensure optimal production and avoid costly interruptions. Thanks to ALEMCA, the manufacturer can access the machine in a Secured, monitor its condition, perform diagnostics in real time, and send commands to adjust operating parameters if necessary. Access is segmented and controlled, allowing precise intervention without exposing the rest of the factory infrastructure.

In both cases, whether for industrial boilers or special machines, ALEMCA allows to automate certain tasks, such as updating software or resetting automatons, which improves the flexibility and responsiveness of maintenance teams while minimizing interventions on site.

Securing IT and OT infrastructures

With the evolution of Industry 4.0, cyber threats are becoming more and more sophisticated, targeting both IT infrastructures (networks, servers) and OT (automatons, sensors). Industrial companies must secure their critical equipment to avoid intrusions that could compromise production.

ALEMCA offers a reinforced protection thanks to his Zero Trust approach (ZTNA), which segments access to critical infrastructures and allows temporary connections only when needed. For example, when an external technician or a manufacturer needs to work on a special machine, ALEMCA gives them a restricted access to the machine concerned, ensuring that the rest of the network and production systems remain protected. This fine access management allows businesses to avoid cyberattacks while complying with safety regulations, such as NIS2 guideline.

In the event of an attempted intrusion or abnormal behavior detected in the network infrastructure, ALEMCA sends alerts in real time to security teams, allowing for a rapid response to isolate threats and protect the entire factory.


In Industry 4.0, where interconnection of systems is essential to the optimization of processes, ALEMCA brings a centralized and secure management of IT and OT infrastructures. In addition to existing production management systems, ALEMCA provides proactive supervision of equipment, reinforces the network security and allows a rapid remote intervention in case of anomaly. This complementarity allows smart factories to maximize their productivity while minimizing operating costs and guaranteeing safety in accordance with the most stringent standards.

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