Take back control on data and the management of your IoT.

A unique multi-protocol platform. A Zero Trust and mTLS solution
to collect, process and make your IoT data reliable.

Take control of your IoT data in all circumstances, even in the event of an internet outage.


Reliable data collection on all your equipment regardless of the type or manufacturer.

Sending of
reliable orders.

Don't miss the execution of an order again! Manage your IoT easily.

Edge and Cloud.

Take control of the processing of your data: formatting, optimization, modification and much more!


Strengthen your security by reducing the attack surface of your IoT devices.

Good practices accessible in one click.

Application of the principle of least privilege to equipment and platforms.

Systematic encryption of communications: End-to-end security of transmissions with mTLS encryption.

Zero Trust equipment authentication: Unique identifiers, temporary tokens, certificate rotation...

Real-time and asynchronous management of data transmissions and commands, with integrated cache system.

Executing customizable EDGE and CLOUD scripts to optimize the processing and transmission of your data.

How does it work ?

Collect your data reliably.

Manage your equipment by sending orders.

Lorem Lipsum Pain Sits Amet, Conecteur adipiscing Elite. Suspend varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Suis cursus, mi quivera ornare, eros pain interdum nulla, tu commodo diam libero vitae erat.
Benjamin Dupont
Head of Information Security & IT

Start the adventure

Let's take the time to talk

Frequently asked questions

How does ALEMCA manage the data transfer from IoT equipment to my supervision platforms?

ALEMCA facilitates the Data feedback from IoT equipment to your supervision platforms thanks to its integrated IoT agent that collects, processes, and sends information reliably and securely. This agent is capable of managing large volumes of data from various types of equipment, regardless of the manufacturer or protocol used.

Thanks to an optimized architecture, ALEMCA collects data in real time or on a scheduled basis, according to the needs of your infrastructure. The data is then transmitted effectively to your supervision platforms via end-to-end encrypted connections, guaranteeing the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

To avoid any loss of data in the event of a network disturbance, ALEMCA integrates a mechanism of local cache which temporarily stores the information collected. As soon as the connection is re-established, data is automatically transmitted, ensuring continuous operations without interruption.

In addition, ALEMCA offers options foroptimization of transmissions with mechanisms of data compression, which significantly reduces the costs associated with bandwidth and regular transmissions. This allows you to get all the information you need about your IoT equipment without increasing network loads or operational costs.

With ALEMCA, you therefore benefit from reliable data feedback, optimized for long-distance transmissions, while ensuring perfect mainstreaming with your existing supervision platforms via specific integrations or standard protocols (HTTPS, AMQPS, MQTTS...).

What types of data can be collected and supervised using the ALEMCA agent?

The ALEMCA agent collects and supervises a wide variety of data coming from both IT systems And business equipment thanks to its functionalities multi-protocol and personalization through LUA scripts. This allows a complete and centralized view of all your IoT infrastructures.

  • IT equipment data (network and system) : ALEMCA collects technical information related to your IT systems, covering both network performance (bandwidth usage, connection status, latency) and system performances of your equipment (CPU use, memory, storage). This data also includes safety statistics and are essential to ensure a stable connectivity, a optimal performance And a enhanced security of your IoT equipment.
  • Technical data of business equipment : ALEMCA is able to supervise the technical information of your business equipment (sensors, automatons, dataloggers, etc.). This information is crucial to ensure the proper functioning of your equipment and to anticipate possible failures.
  • Business data produced by the equipment : In addition to technical data, ALEMCA also collects business data generated by your IoT equipment, as performance indicators specific to your activities (energy production, temperatures, efficiency, process quality). This data helps you monitor and optimize your operations in real time, while ensuring faster and more informed decision-making. This data is then delivered to your business supervision tools.

Thanks to this complete supervision, ALEMCA allows you to obtain a clear and detailed vision of all your systems, whether they are IT performances, of technical information of the equipment, or critical business data for your business.

How does ALEMCA ensure the execution of IoT orders remotely?

ALEMCA allows a reliable and secure execution Of IoT remote controls thanks to the module Command, which takes care of both real-time execution and scheduled tasks. Whether you want to send an immediate order or plan future actions, ALEMCA ensures that IoT equipment receives and executes these orders accurately.

To reinforce security, ALEMCA applies a strict management on the creation of orders, where each user is subject to rigorous control based on the approach Zero Trust platform. Each command created by a user is thus validated, guaranteeing that only authorized actions can be executed by the equipment. In addition, the integration oftwo-factor authentication (2FA) ensures that only authorized persons can initiate critical commands, which enhances the overall security of the system and limits the risks of unauthorized access or mishandling.

Even in case of network disruptions, ALEMCA uses a cache mechanism to register orders, allowing them to be executed as soon as the connection is re-established, thus ensuring a Continuity of operation without loss of control.

Les end-to-end encrypted connections via mTLS guarantee the protection of the data and instructions sent to the equipment against attacks or interference. In addition, the asynchronous processing by ALEMCA allows multiple orders to be sent and processed simultaneously, even on low-performance networks.

In summary, ALEMCA offers a secure remote control and effective, with an emphasis on the rigorous validation of orders by users, while offering maximum flexibility to adjust, control, or automate your IoT devices, regardless of network conditions.

How does data optimization and compression reduce transmission costs with ALEMCA?

ALEMCA uses advanced technologies fromdata optimization And of compression to significantly reduce the costs associated with data transmission between your IoT equipment and your supervision platforms. By collecting only essential data and by processing them locally before transmitting them, ALEMCA optimizes the flow of data sent, thus limiting the quantity of data to be transmitted.

La data compression makes it possible to reduce the size of packets sent over the network, which decreases the use of bandwidth. This reduction in network load is particularly beneficial for environments where transmission costs are high, such as mobile or satellite networks, where every byte counts. Thanks to this compression, transmissions are faster and more economical, without compromising the quality or quantity of the data transmitted.

In addition, in the event of periodic transmission or the sending of large volumes of data, ALEMCA guarantees that all the information reaches its destination without incurring additional costs. Optimization also reduces the risk of network congestion, thus ensuring better operational efficiency while minimizing costs.

In summary, ALEMCA allows a transmission more economical, swift and optimized data, while maintaining a high level of trustworthiness and by significantly reducing the transmission costs.