Manage remote access to your equipment in a unified way, thanks to our all-in-one solution.

24/7 infrastructure management by ALEMCA experts.

Optimize the remote management
of your equipment.

Secure remote access.

Increased security thanks to the approach Zero Trust. Non-permanent connection for remote access. 2FA authentication and mTLS encryption.

Of use.

Plug and Play deployment, quick and easy. A simple and intuitive interface.

24/7 managed service.

You are not alone. ALEMCA guarantees you assistance, support and maintenance in 24/7 operational condition.

Cost Reduction.

Outsourcing reduces costs by an average of 60% of remote access management of your infrastructures..

All the best practices of cybersecurity integrated.

Secure Zero Trust Remote Access: Remote access is perform through temporary sessions set up on demand, thus reducing the attack surface by avoiding permanent connections. This system ensures complete isolation of the equipment.

Management without a public IP or VPN: Unlike traditional solutions, ALEMCA does not require a public IP or a permanent VPN tunnel, guaranteeing better security and ease of use.

Easy integration: No need for complex network configuration (NAT, filtering). The installation of the ALEMCA agent is simple and allows a secure connection without specific configuration.

Multiple access modes according to needs: ALEMCA offers several levels of access (Remote Advanced, Extended) to meet different remote control needs, offering unparalleled flexibility.

Temporary access delegation: Possibility to delegate remote access to subcontractors or partners in a secure manner with complete traceability.

Strengthened cybersecurity
For a reduced risk exposure.

NIS2 compliance
and maintenance
Public IP
Lorem Lipsum Pain Sits Amet, Conecteur adipiscing Elite. Suspend varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Suis cursus, mi quivera ornare, eros pain interdum nulla, tu commodo diam libero vitae erat.
Benjamin Dupont
Head of Information Security & IT

Start the adventure

Let's take the time to talk

Frequently asked questions

Why choose ALEMCA instead of a VPN?

With ALEMCA, security is maximized thanks to its architecture Zero Trust And her advanced network segmentation, in contrast to Traditional VPNs. In a VPN, when access is granted, it usually opens the door to the entire network, exposing all equipment and users. This becomes a problem when it comes to giving access to an external provider, as in the cases of maintenance, subcontracting, helpdesk, or video surveillance. Such access often provides complete visibility into the network, creating potential vulnerabilities.

With ALEMCA, this risk is eliminated thanks to the delegation of access. This mechanism makes it possible to precisely restrict the access of an external service provider to a defined set of resources and specific equipment, without ever exposing the entire network. Whether for maintenance or technical support, each user or service provider only has access to essential elements, thus strengthening the security and traceability of the actions carried out.

In addition to this granular access management, ALEMCA guarantees reliable data transmission thanks to its asynchronous management, even in the event of network disruptions, while ensuring maximum security.

Is ALEMCA easier to use than competing solutions?

Yes, ALEMCA is distinguished by its ease of use And his one-click installation, making it easy to set up without having to configure fixed IP addresses or complex VPNs. Unlike other solutions that often require long and complicated settings, ALEMCA is compatible with a wide range of hardware, routers and gateways as well as dataloggers, PLCs, and other IoT equipment, regardless of the manufacturer or protocol used.

In addition to this compatibility multi-manufacturers, the interface is intuitive, and the integration of equipment is quick. Thanks to Zero Trust Onboarding And at the delegation of access, users can manage access and add devices without complex manual intervention.

ALEMCA also offers technical assistance available 24/7, guaranteeing immediate responsiveness, which simplifies management even further compared to competing solutions that are often more rigid.

What are the advantages of delegating temporary access with ALEMCA?

La temporary access delegation with ALEMCA offers a flexible and secure solution to grant specific rights to users external to your organization, such as service providers of maintenance, of subcontractors, or the helpdesk, without ever exposing the entire network. Contrary to a Traditional VPN, where full access to the network is often given, ALEMCA makes it possible to restrict access only to necessary resources. This reduces security risks by ensuring that each user only has access to defined devices and for a limited time.

Thanks to a advanced network segmentation and granular control of permissions, companies can track and trace each action carried out by external service providers, thus guaranteeing complete visibility and traceability in accordance with security standards. This feature also allows you to revoke access automatically once the task is completed, ensuring proactive authorization management and optimal security at all times.

How is ALEMCA more secure than traditional solutions?

ALEMCA's security is based on an architecture Zero Trust, a model that doesn't trust any user, device, or connection by default. Contrary to Traditional VPNs And to Fixed IPs, ALEMCA does not establish none permanent connection, thus reducing the attack surface.

With the VPN And the Fixed IPs, the connections remain open at all times, leaving your systems vulnerable to cyber attacks, hacking attempts and data breaches. One hacker Who finds an entry point can have continuous access to your network, increasing risks.

ALEMCA only creates temporary connections when required. Each session is authenticated, Encrypted, and isolated, preventing any spread of an attack. In addition, none incoming connection is not required, thus avoiding vulnerabilities related to Misconfigured firewalls, a common flaw with VPN.

Finally, ALEMCA manages access control lists (ACLs) that are customizable, ensuring that each user only has access to the resources that are strictly necessary. This allows a granular privilege management And a full traceability of each action, reinforcing security.

Risks of traditional solutions:

  • Permanent connections = continuous exposure to attacks.
  • Exposure of fixed IPs = direct vulnerability to the Internet.
  • Lack of traceability = impossible to know who is accessing what and when.

With ALEMCA, you eliminate these risks by adopting a security approach proactive and complies with regulations such as the Directive NIS2, guaranteeing the protection of your critical infrastructures.

How does ALEMCA improve cost management compared to other solutions?

ALEMCA is distinguished by optimized cost management, much superior to that of traditional solutions such as VPN Or the fixed IP addresses. These solutions involve high acquisition costs, such as buying routers, of firewalls, or even the deployment of optical fibers, essential for maintaining a stable and secure network infrastructure. In addition to these material investments, teams IT and internal networks must be mobilized for the maintenance in operational condition 24/7, increasing expenses even more.

With ALEMCA, these costs are reduced or even eliminated. The architecture Zero Trust operates without the need for permanent tunnels or fixed IP addresses, thus simplifying the infrastructure and reducing network maintenance costs. The installation In one click allows the solution to be deployed quickly, without requiring advanced network expertise or complex hardware configuration. In addition, by centralizing the management of IoT equipment, ALEMCA minimizes physical interventions on site, reducing the costs associated with service interruptions or technical travel.

In summary, ALEMCA is not only decreasing the infrastructure spending but also the operational costs (OpEx), while offering a enhanced security And a scalability easy to manage, without the constraints of traditional solutions.